pregnancy and hair health

pregnancy and hair health

  • Coloring The Hair At Home: How To Achieve A Professional Look With Ease

    Are you ready for a change when it comes to your hair? Whether you have a natural hair color or have colored before in the past, you may be ready for a fresh, new, and exciting color that will easily make your hair look even better. Coloring your hair at home and making it look good is not as difficult as you might think. In fact, if you are trying to save some extra cash and are looking for a way to change your hair color, simply follow the helpful tips below.

  • Getting Designs And Patterns Cut Into Your Hair: 4 Tips

    Are you thinking about getting some fanciful designs cut into your hair? Whatever your sense of style is, you can often find a design that is unique to you. This is a challenging type of cut, so here are a few things to keep in mind. 1. Always Have a Photo Reference Don't try to describe or draw what you want. A photo reference is going to be far easier to replicate and will ensure that you're accurately conveying what you want to your stylist.

  • Hairstyles For New Moms

    If you recently had a baby, taking care of your hair can seem like a big chore. Some moms feel like they have no time to do anything with their hair except throw it in a bun or ponytail. If you're looking for a new style that can help you feel more confident or that requires less styling and care, here are some trendy styles to consider.  1. The Long Bob

  • Create The Perfect Hairstyle For Your Island Getaway

    Taking a vacation to a tropical island means spending your days and nights within the perfect setting of paradise. Before you go on vacation, you will need to pack and plan out all of your outfits to make sure they are suitable for all of the things that you need to do regularly. Another part of the vacation that you need to plan out before the flight is your hairstyle. Having to wash your hair constantly after being in the sand and salt water can cause av on  your hair.

  • 3 Reasons To Go To The Beauty Salon With A Friend

    If you are due for a trip to the beauty salon, then you may want to switch things up this time and invite a friend who also needs to go, to come along with you. Here are three reasons why. You Can Chat While Getting Pampered  For a lot of people, few things sound better than getting pampered while having good conversation. By bringing your friend along to the salon, you basically ensure that it is going to be an excellent experience for both of you.

  • 2024© pregnancy and hair health
    About Me
    pregnancy and hair health

    Before my last pregnancy, I had long, beautiful, thick hair. About a month before the baby was due, I noticed that my hair wasn't as full and gorgeous as it once was. I tried changing products and even used the conditioning treatment that I read about. I talked with my hair stylist and learned why this happened and what I could do to improve the overall health of my hair. My blog will show you how to keep your hair looking great before, during and after your pregnancy so that you can avoid the anxiety that I experienced through this situation.