pregnancy and hair health

pregnancy and hair health

  • Preventing And Treating Acne Scars

    Acne is a common skin condition that not only affects the surface of the skin but also a person's overall emotional health. Fortunately, there are many treatment options if you or someone you love lives with acne. Once acne is healing, though, these skin blemishes could leave behind scars that also affect a person's appearance and self-esteem. Again, help is available. This guide and your dermatologist will help you prevent or treat acne scarring.

  • Tips For Getting A Men's' Haircut

    Looking your best will allow you to feel much more self-confident. There are numerous things you do that will allow you to appear more attractive. One of the top ways for men will rest in getting a new haircut. Having a well-groomed appearance may let you to get a better job or even that date you've wanted for a while. It's essential to know the right tips to use to make this happen.

  • Learn About A Medical Spa

    When you hear the words 'spa day' you may imagine yourself sitting in a comfortable chair while sipping cucumber water as you are given a pedicure. However, another type of spa is a medical spa. For many, a medical spa is even more exciting than the one mentioned above. This is due to everything a medical spa may offer. What is a medical spa? A medical spa is a place you can go to in order to have procedures and treatments done on you that will help you to target certain problem areas and turn things around.

  • It's Not Just You: Salon Visits Can Be Nerve-Racking

    If you get anxious about an event that should be a treat, you are not alone. All new experiences can create trepidation, but you should not let those nervous feelings keep you away from things like high-end salons. Salons and spas that don't make patrons feel welcome won't stay in business long. You should expect nothing less than a friendly and comfortable experience, so read on to learn more about making your first visit to a luxury salon a little less scary.

  • What Patients Need To Know Before Getting Botox

    If you're thinking about going to a Botox services clinic for a treatment for the first time, you may be wondering exactly what the procedure entails. In addition to being used to address cosmetic concerns about wrinkles, Botox is sometimes employed to deal with an array of disorders, including muscle spasms, eye alignment and blinking issues, excessive sweating and neck stiffness. The treatment first came into use in 1977, and it has been FDA-approved since 1978.

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    About Me
    pregnancy and hair health

    Before my last pregnancy, I had long, beautiful, thick hair. About a month before the baby was due, I noticed that my hair wasn't as full and gorgeous as it once was. I tried changing products and even used the conditioning treatment that I read about. I talked with my hair stylist and learned why this happened and what I could do to improve the overall health of my hair. My blog will show you how to keep your hair looking great before, during and after your pregnancy so that you can avoid the anxiety that I experienced through this situation.