pregnancy and hair health

pregnancy and hair health

  • 3 Tips For Getting Your Skin Summer-Ready

    Summer is rapidly approaching, and with the warmer temperatures, you might find yourself showing more skin. This means that you might be ready to get your skin prepared for the summer weather. Luckily, following these tips can help. 1. Focus on Hair Removal Getting rid of excess body hair, such as on your legs and stomach, might be a priority. If you're like a lot of people, you might use shaving as your primary method of hair removal.

  • 3 Non-Surgical Hair-Replacement Options for Men

    If you are a Caucasian male in your 50s and are suffering from hair loss, you are not alone. Approximately 50% of all men in this group are experiencing signs of balding. While losing your hair will not affect your health and will not cause you any pain, it can be a difficult event in life to accept. If you are tired of watching your hair slowly thin out, you can do something about this.

  • Stretching The Truth: 5 Myths Regarding The Development And Treatment Of Stretch Marks

    From fine lines and wrinkles to age spots and blemishes, the different imperfections that affect your skin can be overwhelming. While the issues mostly affect the skin of your face, other issues can develop on the skin of your body. Considering an estimated 80 percent of Americans have stretch marks, you may also develop these imperfections of the skin. Unfortunately, you may find a few facts regarding the development and treatment of stretch marks surprising.

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    About Me
    pregnancy and hair health

    Before my last pregnancy, I had long, beautiful, thick hair. About a month before the baby was due, I noticed that my hair wasn't as full and gorgeous as it once was. I tried changing products and even used the conditioning treatment that I read about. I talked with my hair stylist and learned why this happened and what I could do to improve the overall health of my hair. My blog will show you how to keep your hair looking great before, during and after your pregnancy so that you can avoid the anxiety that I experienced through this situation.