pregnancy and hair health

pregnancy and hair health

  • Are Natural Soaps Right For You?

    Artificial products are a nearly unavoidable part of modern-day living. It's almost impossible to avoid synthetic materials in everything from clothing to food, but that doesn't mean that there aren't benefits to using natural options when you can. Taking this approach can be especially beneficial when it comes to personal care products. Natural soaps, such as those created with balsam fir oils, can offer many advantages over the typical mass-market products found in many stores.

  • Why You Should Let a Hair Salon Do Your Highlights

    There are kits you can buy at the pharmacy or grocery store to add highlights to your hair. With these kits costing only a few dollars, you might wonder why someone would pay so much more to have their hair highlighted at a salon instead. Well, the truth of the matter is that hair salon highlights are superior to box highlights in so many ways. Here are some key reasons it's worth paying more for highlights at the salon.

  • Six Things Men Can Do To Keep Their New Haircut Looking Great

    Your men's haircut might look great just after you've visited the barber. However, you need to take proper care of your hair if you want it to continue looking great between haircuts. The following are six things that men can do to keep their new haircut looking great.  Avoid Washing the Hair Too Frequently It's not a good idea to wash your hair every single day if you want to keep your haircut looking great.

  • 4 Tips For Shaving Off A Thick Beard

    Sometimes, after growing your beard out for a while, you just get tired of it. Maybe you're tired of food always getting caught in it, or perhaps you're tired of your face always feeling too hot in the sun. Beard shaving is, of course, always an option. However, there are some tips you'll want to follow when shaving off a thick beard. Use clippers first. Your ultimate goal may be to do a close shave with a razor.

  • The Benefits Of Choosing A Moisturizing Serum With CBD

    If you have dry skin, then including a moisturizing serum in your beauty routine is a wise choice. Moisturizing serums typically introduce more intensive moisture than a simple lotion. Plus, they generally contain concentrated amounts of therapeutic ingredients that help hydrate your skin more fully. While there are many types of moisturizing serums on the market, you may, in particular, want to look for one made with CBD. Here are some of the key benefits of such a serum.

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    About Me
    pregnancy and hair health

    Before my last pregnancy, I had long, beautiful, thick hair. About a month before the baby was due, I noticed that my hair wasn't as full and gorgeous as it once was. I tried changing products and even used the conditioning treatment that I read about. I talked with my hair stylist and learned why this happened and what I could do to improve the overall health of my hair. My blog will show you how to keep your hair looking great before, during and after your pregnancy so that you can avoid the anxiety that I experienced through this situation.